As medical branch and market of medical services are developing constantly and dynamically, we also provide our legal services both to entities conducting medical activity and to patients.
LEGALWISE provides comprehensive legal service to healthcare entities and representatives of medical professions, irrespectively whether they are starting their business, need interim advice with regards to broad spectrum of medical issues or with civil law aspects, or need our representation in court disputes arising from rendering of medical services.

Our clients can count on our counselling during starting up and registration of medical entities, selection of the optimal legal form due to the type and scale of activity, as well as managing contracts with counterparties or medical staff, or contracts for rendering of healthcare services with the National Health Fund.
We also provide legal assistance in regards with completeness and correctness of medical documentation, and compliance of collecting and processing personal data with the GDPR, providing necessary trainings of the staff or essential implementation of GDPR standards.
We appear in court on behalf of our clients in cases related to medical errors and violation of patient’s rights, representing both patients and entities conducting medical activity. Our team is also fully professional in control proceedings conducted by NFZ (National Health Fund), as well as in court proceedings concerning the over-performance and in cases of NFZ claims for reimbursement of unduly received benefits.

In this scope of our activity we offer our Clients the following services:
  • support at the start-up stage - we advise on the selection of the optimal legal form of business, and provide legal assistance in setting-up, transformation and winding-up of medical entities;
  • day-to-day, comprehensive legal services for public and private hospitals, medical centers, individual and corporate medical practices, as well as nursing and obstetric practices;
  • representation of clients in matters related to the performance of contracts with the National Health Fund, both at the pre-trial stage and in court disputes;
  • ensuring compliance of medical records with applicable law regulations and consistency of the collection and processing of personal data with GDPR;
  • representation of entities conducting medical activity in proceedings for damages, compensation and annuities due to medical errors and claims for infringement of patient's rights, legal assistance for the injured parties due to medical errors or violations of patient rights.