Bartosz Śliwiński
I am a barrister recorded in the list of barristers kept by the District Bar in Warsaw. I graduated from the Faculty of Law in Łódź University, defending my diploma thesis, in the department of civil law, entitled ‘The debtor's liability for third parties’. I have also completed postgraduate studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics in ‘Academy of Companies - commercial companies’ operation in legal and economic terms’, completed with the defense of the diploma thesis entitled ‘Mergers of limited liability companies by acquisition’. I passed the vocational exam with distinction, obtaining one of the best results in my district.
Prior to establishing the LEGALWISE Law Firm, I had gained professional experience in a couple of leading law firms in Łódź and Warsaw. My main area of expertise are resolving disputes and conducting court proceedings, in courts of all instances, where I have represented leading Polish and foreign economic entities, as well as State Treasury companies, including cases of key strategic and business importance for clients, with millions of PLN at stake.
In my daily work, I found it very satisfactory to explore in depth very complex, multi-connected factual circumstances, which allows to apply the best litigation strategy and predict every possible scenario. In addition, by my own nature I am inquisitive, creative, and believe that only comprehensive preparation determines our success.
Moreover, I have extensive experience in ongoing legal services for entrepreneurs, including corporate and transactional services, within which I draw up contracts and regulations, legal opinions and memoranda, conduct due diligence studies and make all required requests to courts and authorities.
I have provided legal services mainly to companies from the financial sector (including banks, loan companies, brokerage houses), insurance, construction, energy, transport and telecommunications, which corresponds to the areas of my legal interest, namely civil, contract, commercial and commercial companies law.